Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am not a diarist. I'm not one to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and ramble on about my day or the people in it. There are a number of people I greatly respect (director Kevin Smith for one) who blog quite extensively and quite entertainingly about such things, but while my day generally contains enough minutes for me to live it, it does not usually contain enough minutes to write about it. And if I have to choose one or the other, I'd rather live, you know?

So, why am I here in the blogosphere (how did that ever even get to be a word)? Well, the truth is, after retiring from radio a year and a half ago at the end of a thirty-two year career of getting up at the crack of oh-dark-thirty and trying to entertain the masses on their morning commutes, I found that, while I still have plenty to say about pop culture, movies, music, politics, religion, etc. and so forth and so on, I no longer have a place to say it. I no longer have a microphone...I no longer have a platform...I no longer have anyone's ear. And I miss it. Oh sure, I could rant and rail at my high school drama classes (that's right, I retired to teach high school), but most of the stuff I really need to get off my chest isn't really appropriate for that under 18 demographic, you know what I mean?

And so, here I sit. I AM a writer, after all...this should be easy for me, shouldn't it? No, because as much as I enjoy the finished product of my writing; as much as I enjoy coming up with ideas and stories and the like, the actual act of typing it all out bores me to tears!!! That being said, I don't promise to post regularly. I don't even promise to post at all. I may get tired of this after a month or two and relegate this blog to the dustbin of "things that I tried once and didn't enjoy". Trust me, that's a big dustbin, filled with stuff like "working out with weights", "voting Republican" and "spanking" (you don't want to know).

What will I talk about? Pop culture, probably. entertainment, movies...a lot about live theatre, since I do work as an actor, director and playwright, not to mention the previously stated high school drama teacher thing. I'll talk about politics (hello, Mr.'s about damned time!) and I love to talk about religion. I make no declarations as to my expertise in any of these areas, these are strictly my opinions, but as I said, I miss having a platform. Most of all, I'll talk to myself. I'll write this as if someone else is reading it, but not for one second to I expect anyone to slavishly hang on my every word (not even you, Mom). I'll endeavor to be entertaining and funny, but the Noise in the Attic that I reference in the title is the same noise Shakespeare talks about in Macbeth, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing", which now that I think about it, pretty much sums up a lot of what we talk about these days. We're great at talking about things; pontificating, sermonizing, rabble-rousing, fillibustering and so on, but we're not so great about doing anything. So, if I should miss a day or two (or a week or two or a month or three), rest assured that I'm just out there doing...or at least having a good nap.

NEXT UP: What I Did on My Christmas Vacation.

1 comment:

  1. You have my ear, Don! I like to read what you's fun and interesting!

    - Mindy (Walling) Nelson
